Affiliation with University of Toronto:
12. Degradable π‐Conjugated Polymers
A. Uva, S. Michailovich, N.S.Y. Hsu, H. Tran
[HTML] J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2024 accepted
12. Review of Low-cost Self-driving Laboratories: The "Frugal Twin" Concept
S. Lo, S. Baird, J. Schrier, B. Blaiszik, N. Carson, I. Foster, A. Aguilar-Granda, S. Kalinin, B. Maruyama, M. Politi, H. Tran, T. Sparks, A. Aspuru-Guzik
[HTML] Digital Discovery 2024
[previously on ChemRxiv]
11. Thienoisoindigo-based recyclable conjugated polymers for organic electronics
N. Nozaki, A. Uva, H. Matsumoto, H. Tran*, and M. Ashizawa*
[HTML] RSC Applied Polymers 2024, 2, 163-171.
[previously on ChemRxiv]
10. Direct Arylation Polymerization of Degradable Imine-based Conjugated Polymers
N. S. Y. Hsu, A. Uva, A. Lin, S. Huang, H. Tran*
[HTML], Macromolecules, 2023, 56, 21, 8947–8955.
[previously on ChemRxiv]
9. Green and Sustainable Solvents for Solid-Phase Peptoid Synthesis
A. Clapperton, K.N.M. Vera, J. Babi, H. Tran
[HTML], ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng. 2023, 11, 35, 13024-13032.
[previously on ChemRxiv]
8. Biobased, Degradable, and Conjugated Poly(Azomethine)s
A. Uva, A. Lin, H. Tran
[HTML] J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2023, 145, 6, 3606–3614.
7. Conductive and elastic bottlebrush elastomers for ultrasoft electronics
P. Xu, S. Wang, A. Lin, H.-K. Min, Z. Zhou, W. Dou, Y. Sun, X. Huang, H. Tran, X. Liu
[HTML] Nat. Commun. 2023, 14, 623.
6. Designing for Softness in Semiconducting Conjugated Polymers
N. S. Y. Hsu, A. Lin, H. Tran
[HTML] Acc. Mater. Res. 2023, 4, 3, 205-208.
5. A Field Guide to Optimizing Peptoid Synthesis
A. Clapperton, J. Babi, H. Tran
ACS Polymers Au 2022, 2, 6, 417-429.
4. Materials Design for Resilience in the Bio-integration of Electronics
A. Lin, A. Uva, J. Babi, H. Tran
MRS Bulletin 2021, 46, 860-869.
3. Self-Assembled Free-Floating Nanomaterials from Sequence Defined Polymers
J. Babi, L. Zhu, A. Lin, A. Uva, H. El-Haddad, A. Peloewetse, H. Tran
J. Poly. Sci. 2021, 59, 21, 2378-2404.
2. Molecular Protectors: modern-day superheroes for nanostructures
J. Babi, A. Uva, A. M. Clapperton, A. Lin, H. Tran
Matter, 2021, 4, 8, 2609-12.
1. Bioderived and Degradable Polymers for Transient Electronics
A. Uva, A. Lin, J. Babi, H. Tran
J. Chem. Technol. Biotechnol. 2021, 97(4), 801-809.
Affiliation with Stanford, Columbia, or UC Berkeley:
37. Modular Synthesis of Fully Degradable Imine-Based Semiconducting p-Type and n-Type Polymers
H. Tran, S. Nikzad, J. A. Chiong, N. J. Schuster, A. E. Peña-Alcántara, V. R. Feig, Y.-Q. Zheng, Z. Bao
Chem. Mater. 2021, 33, 18, 7465–7474.
36. Monolithic optical microlithography of high-density elastic circuits
Y.-Q. Zheng, Y. Liu, D. Zhong, S. Nikzad, S. Liu, Z. Yu, D. Liu, H. C. Wu, C. Zhu, J. Li, H. Tran, J. B.-H. Tok, Z. Bao
Science 2021, 373, 6550, 88-94.
35. Conducting Polymer-Based Granular Hydrogels for Injectable 3D Cell Scaffolds
V. R. Feig, S. Santhanam, K. W. McConnell, K. Liu, M. Azadian, L. G. Brunel, Z. Huang, H. Tran, P. M. George, Z. Bao
Adv. Mater. Technol. 2021, 6, 2100162.
34. Integrating Emerging Polymer Chemistries for the Advancement of Recyclable, Biodegradable, and Biocompatible Electronics
J. Chiong, H. Tran, Y. Lin, Y. Zheng, , Z. Bao
Adv. Sci. 2021, 2101233.
33. Stretchable active-matrix organic light-emitting electrochemical cell array
J. Liu, J. Wang, Z. Zhang, F. Molina-Lopez, G.-J. N. Wang, B. C. Schroeder, X. Yan, Y. Zeng, O. Zhao, H. Tran, T. Lei, Y. Lu, Y.-X. Wang, J. B.-H. Tok, Y. Yun, R. Dauskardt, J. W. Chong, Y. Yun, Z. Bao
Nat. Commum. 2020, 11, 3362.
32. Tuning mechanical properties of polymer semiconductor by modulating hydrogen bonding interactions
Y. Zheng, M. Ashizawa, S. Zhang, J. Kang, S. Nikzad, Z. Yu, Y. Ochiai, H.-C. Wu, H. Tran, J. Mun, Y.-Q. Zheng, J. B.-H. Tok, X. Gu, Z. Bao
Chem. Mater. 2020 32, 12, 5700-5715.
31. Micro-Engineering Pressure Sensor Active Layers for Improved Performance
S. R. A. Ruth, V. R. Feig, H. Tran, Z. Bao
Adv. Func. Mater. 2020, 30, 39, 2003491.
30. Biodegradable elastomeric materials for transient electronics
K. Liu,* H. Tran,* V. R. Feig, Z. Bao
*equal contribution. Undergraduate mentee first author.
MRS Bulletin 2020, 45, 96-102.
29. Intrinsically stretchable conjugated polymer semiconductors in field effect transistors
M. Ashizawa, Y. Zheng, H. Tran, Z. Bao
Prog. In Poly. Sci. 2020, 100, 10118.
28. Stretchable and fully degradable semiconductors for transient electronics
H. Tran, Feig, V. R. Feig, K. Liu, H.-C. Wu, R. Chen, J. Xu, K. Deisseroth, Z. Bao
ACS Cent. Sci. 2019, 5, 1884-1891.
Journal Cover; Multiple highlights, including Popular Mechanics, C&EN, MRS news.
27. An intrinsically stretchable high-performance polymer semiconductor with low crystallinity
Y. Zheng, G.-J. N. Wang, J. Kang, M. Nikolka, H.-C. Wu, H. Tran, S. Zhang, H. Yan, H. Chen, P. Yan Yuen, J. Mun, R. H. Dauskardt, I. McCulloch, J. B.-H. Tok, X. Gu, Z. Bao
Adv. Func. Mater. 2019, 1905340.
26. An electrochemical gelation method for patterning conductive PEDOT:PSS hydrogels
V. R. Feig, H. Tran, M. Lee, R. Huang, K. Liu, L. Beker, D. Mackanic, Z. Bao
Adv. Mater. 2019, 1902869.
25. High-transconductance stretchable transistors achieved by controlled gold microcrack morphology
N. Matsuhisa, Y. Jiang, Z. Liu, G. Chen, C. Wan, Y. Kim, J. Kang, H. Tran, H.-C. Wu, I. You, Z. Bao, X. Chen
Adv. Electron. Mater. 2019, 5, 1900347.
24. Rational design of capacitive pressure sensors based on pyramidal microstructures for specialized monitoring of biosignals
S.R.A. Ruth, L. Beker, H. Tran, V. Feig, Z. Bao
Adv. Func. Mater. 2019, 1903100.
23. Hierarchical patterns with sub-20 nm pattern fidelity via block copolymer self-assembly and soft nanotransfer printing
H. Tran, H. B. Bergman, K. R. Parenti, A. van der Zande, C. R. Dean, L. M. Campos
Polymer Chemistry 2019, 10, 3194-3200.
Selected as best paper of the month in Polymer Chemistry (June 2019)
22. Polymer chemistries underpinning materials for skin-inspired electronics
H. Tran, V. E. Feig, K.. Liu, Y. Zheng, Z. Bao
Macromolecules 2019, 52, 3965-3974.
Journal cover. ACS Editors’ choice.
21. Microphase segregation and selective chain scission of poly(2‐methyl‐2‐oxazoline)‐block‐polystyrene
H. Tran, H. M. Bergman, V. R. de la Rosa, S. Maji, K. R. Parenti, R. Hoogenboom, L. M. Campos
J. of Polym. Sci., Part A: Polymer Chemistry 2019, 57, 1349-1357.
20. Designing a quinone-based redox mediator to facilitate Li2S oxidation in Li-S batteries
Y. Tsao, M. Lee, E. C. Miller, G. Gao, J. Park, S. Chen, T. Katsumata, H. Tran, L. W. Wang, M. K. Toney, Y. Cui, Z. Bao
Joule 2019, 3, 1-19.
19. Wireless monitoring of blood flow via a biodegradable, flexible, passive arterial pulse sensor
C. M. Boutry, L. Beker, Y. Kaizawa, C. Vassos, H. Tran, A. C. Hinckley, R. Pfattner, S. Niu, J. Li, J. Claverie, Z. Wang, J. Chang, P. M. Fox, Z. Bao
Nat. Biomed. Eng. 2019, 3, 47-57.
18. Mechanically tunable conductive interpenetrating network hydrogels that mimic the elastic moduli of biological tissue
V.R. Feig, H. Tran, M. Lee, Z. Bao
Nat. Comm. 2018, 9 (1), 2740.
Highlighted by Editor and Stanford Chem-H
17. Skin-inspired electronics: An emerging paradigm
S. Wang, J. Y. Oh, J. Xu, H. Tran, Z. Bao
Acc. of Chem. Res. 2018, 51 (5), 1033-10457.
16. Biodegradable polymeric materials in degradable electronic devices
V. R. Feig,* H. Tran,* Z. Bao
*equal contribution
ACS Cent. Sci. 2018, 4 (3), 337-348.
15. Preparation of non‐spherical particles from amphiphilic block copolymers
K. Kempe, R. A. Wylie, M.D. Dimitriou, H. Tran, R. Hoogenboom, U.S. Schubert, C. J. Hawker, L. M. Campos, L. A. Connal
J. Polym. Sci. Part A, Polym. Chem. 2015, 54 (6), 750-757.
14. Hierarchically ordered nanopatterns for spatial control of biomolecules
H. Tran, K. Ronaldson, N. A. Bailey, N. A. Lynd, K. L. Killops, G. Vunjak-Novakovic, L. M. Campos
ACS Nano, 2014, 8, 11846-11853.
13. Engineering topochemical polymerizations using block copolymer templates
L. Zhu, H. Tran, F. L. Beyer, S. D. Walck, X. Li, H. Ågren, K. L. Killops, L. M. Campos
J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2014, 136 (38), 13381-13387.
Featured on TOC ROFL
12. Cascade sensing of gold and thiols with imidazole-bearing functional porphyrins
J. H. Kim, Y. H. Jeong, H. J. Yoon, H. Tran, L. M. Campos, W. D. Jang
Chem. Comm., 2014, 50 (78), 11500-115036.
11. One-dimensional electrical contact to a two-dimensional material
L. Wang, I. Meric, P. Y. Huang, Q. Gao, Y. Gao, H. Tran, T. Taniguchi, K. Watanabe, L. M. Campos, D. A. Muller, Q. Gao, J. Guo, P. Kim, J. Hone, K. L. Shepard, C. R. Dean
Science, 2013, 342 (6158), 614-617.
10. Antibody-mimetic peptoid nanosheets for molecular recognition
V. K. Olivier, A. Cho, B. Sanii, M. D. Connolly, H. Tran, R. N. Zuckermann
ACS Nano, 2013, 7, 9276-9286.
9. Strongly phase-segregating block copolymers with sub-20 nm features
K. Kempe, K. L. Killops, J. E. Poelma, H. Jung, J. Bang, R. Hoogenboom, H. Tran, C. J. Hawker, U.. S. Schubert, L. M. Campos
ACS Macro Lett., 2013, 2 (8), 677-682.
8. Monoliths of semiconducting block copolymers by magnetic alignment
H. Tran,* M. Gopinadhan,* P. W. Majewski,* R. Shade, V. Steffes, C. O. Osuji, L. M. Campos
*equal contribution
ACS nano, 2013, 7 (6), 5514-5521.
7. Advancements and challenges of patterning biomolecules with sub-50 nm features
H. Tran, K. L. Killops, L. M. Campos
Soft Matter, 2013, 9 (29), 6578-6586.
Featured on 2013’s most accessed Soft Matter articles (one of twenty).
6. Nanopatterning biomolecules by block copolymer self-assembly
K. L. Killops, N. Gupta, M. D. Dimitriou, N. A. Lynd, H. Jung, H. Tran, J. Bang, L. M. Campos
ACS Macro Lett., 2012, 1 (6), 758-763.
5. Shaken, not stirred: collapsing a peptoid monolayer to produce free-floating, stable nanosheets
B. Sanii, R. Kudirka, A. Cho, N. Venkateswaran, G. K. Olivier, A. M. Olson, H. Tran, R. M. Harada, L. Tan, R. N. Zuckermann
J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2011, 133, 20808-20815.
4. Folding of a single‐chain, information‐rich polypeptoid sequence into a highly ordered nanosheet
R. Kudirka, H. Tran, B. Sanii, K. T. Nam, P. H. Choi, N. Venkateswaran, R. Chen, R. N. Zuckermann
Pep. Sci., 2011, 96 (5), 586-595.
Journal cover.
3. Solid-phase submonomer synthesis of peptoid polymers and their self-assembly into highly-ordered nanosheets
H. Tran, S. L. Gael, M. D. Connolly, R. N. Zuckermann
J. Vis. Exp., 2011, 57, 3373.
Over 16,000 views.
2. Electrical characterization of etch rate for micro-and nano-scale gap formation
D. Lee, H. Tran, B. Ho, T. J. K. Liu
J. Microelectromech. Syst., 19, 1260-1263 (2010).
1. Characterization of nanometer-scale gap formation
D. Lee, H. Tran, T. J. K. Liu
J. Electrochem. Soc., 157, H94-H98 (2010).